Friday, March 30, 2012



Me in the Gershwin Theatre 
 So my wonderful friend John Adam gave precious front row seat tickets to my friend Louis and I to see Wicked in NYC because he had already seen it all for $30.

Is he crazy you may ask?
A lunatic I say!

Are you sure $30 you may ask?
Why would I lie to you you I ask!

How is this possible you may ask?
Well 2.5 hours before every Broadway show, they do what is called "rush" or "lottery." 2.5 hours before curtain you run yourself over to the box office and put your name in for a raffle.  If they call your name a half hour later. CONGRATS! You have won yourself 2 front row tickets to see that show your name was put in for $30 each! An astounding $200 value!  John's name was pulled an bam! here he is giving me a golden green ticket (haha) and I am being filmed balling my eyes out from pure happiness.

Part of the set
It was magical. I was on an emotional roller coaster all night.  Louis and I bought fancy programs and fancy slushies in Wicked cups. 

Ticket and Fancy Program Book
Elphaba (Jackie Burns) was fantastic, Glinda (Chandra Lee Schwartz) made an amazing transition from ditzy, crazy Glinda to the powerful, calm one we all know and love from The Wizard of Oz. I was in love with them all (with the exceptions of the monkeys because they scared me and Richard Blake as Fieryo because of his nasally voice—although he was beautiful). I could practically touch them (but I restrained myself!).

Watching the performance filled in a few of the gaps that I had by listening to the music constantly. I don't know if I can pick my favorite song either! I'm going to say ANYTHING sung by Elphaba and Glinda solo or as a duet ("The Wizard and I," "Popular,""Defying Gravity," "No Good Deed," "For Good").
My friend Louis and I
 Wicked has always been my favorite musical just from the love of the soundtrack and I had an amazing first time seeing it thanks to John Adams, the RIT Players and the cast and crew of Wicked!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Wow. Just wow.

This past weekend was FAN-TASTIC despite all of the disorganization that occurred and certain people who like to give me headaches and anxiety attacks (you know who you are).

The weekend pretty much flew by beginning with going to see the premiere of "The Hunger Games" and ending with getting home at 1 a.m. (with the other cars trailing an hour behind us, it's not our fault they took the wrong turn!).

"The Hunger Games" was okay. I was disappointed.  If you didn't read the books, you would be completely lost in the movie. I don't think they explained things well enough in the movie yet I enjoyed the commentary that was added (the parts where the commentator stepped in during the actual games) and the behind the scenes look at the Gamemakers.  I did NOT like the actor who played Peeta what so ever. Peeta is also my favorite character in the books. The actor portrayed Peeta as weak and sappy. I agree he is weaker than Katniss but not to the point the actor played him. Every time Peeta was on screen I was completely discouraged.  The relationship between the two was also weak.

Saturday morning, we finally left for NYC at 7:30 a.m., 45 mins after we were supposed to followed by at 6.5 hour trip with too many bathroom breaks for my liking. After arrival, we took the subway into NYC (first time ever! Don't worry, I've been to the city and now I'm a pro) and split off into groups to see different shows.

While other members saw "Seminar" with Alan Rickman, and "Newsical the Musical," my friend Louis and I sat ourselves down in the very front row to see "Wicked"thanks to the kindness of our friend John Adam who won front row tickets and gave them to us (I'm sure there will be a video up shortly of me crying after John gave me the ticket). Oh yes... it was recorded.

Defying Gravity
Me, waiting to see "Wicked"

The next morning was filled with NYC adventures like visiting Ground Zero and the construction going on then it was off to "Memphis."  I decided that Adam Pascal (Huey in the show) and I have decided that we are now getting married. <3
And if you listen to the beat and hear it in your soul - You'll never let anyone steal your rock-n-roll!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wedding Emergency Kit

A trend I have been seeing lately in wedding blogging is Wedding Emergency Kits.  Wedding Emergency Kits are kits designed to help the bride on her big day.  Wedding Emergency Kits are typically put together by the Maid of Honor.
Fancy Kit

Here would be my list for brides:

1. Band-aids
2. Extra Panty hose
3. Bobby pins
4. Clear Nail Polish
5. Headache medicine
6. Bottle of Water
7. Touch-up Make-up
8. Small sewing kit
9. Scissors
10. Breath Mints
11. Chap stick
12. Tissues
13. Tweezers
14. Eye drops
15. Dental Floss
16. Hairspray
17. Granola Bar
18. Sunblock
19. Earring backs
20. Tampon and pads
21. Small Snacks
22. Tide-To-Go Stick

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

I hope the weather is wonderful and you get to go to a parade or do something fun!

Friday, March 16, 2012

I'm a Reporter!

My first article released today!  It also released a little late due to the RIT's crisis this morning ( ).
The first is a student spotlight on my friend Allie Strader regarding her co-op experience, and her graduation.

You can find my PUBLISHED article here:

And if you are subscribed to the RIT Message Center, it was featured in the News & Events Daily!

More articles and press releases are set to come! At the moment I have one set to  go out next Monday, Friday, the 26th and the 30th so be on the lookout!

This is so exciting I can hardly stand it!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

AP Stylebook: My New Best Friend

I am LOVING my co-op at RIT University News and it has just a week! Everyone here is really nice and helpful and I'm learning so much! 

Here, we use AP style when writing press releases.  I have never used the AP format before this week and I'm plunging into it.  It reminds me of the time freshmen year when I wrote my first real paper in college when I had to use APA format for the first time. It makes me wonder how so many people come to use different formats other the MLA (the format I was formally taught in high school).  I even remember my teacher stating "This is the format you will use in college and in your career.  The other formats don't really matter." Now, I think I had a fairly good English education but this is ridiculous. If I feel so behind in formats, how did others feel? I can honestly say I have never used MLA format once in my higher education. I have heard similar complaints from my classmates at RIT.  I think teachers need to reevaluate how much time they spend on formatting and the types of formats they cover.  I understand it can't all be taught, but an introduction would be nice.

After adjusting to APA format (which I still have to reference on occasion) here pops another challenge! AP format! 

Thanks to the stylebook and the editors at University News who are kind enough to explain the technique, I am slowly but surely catching on.  My goal is to have read through the AP stylebook by the end of the month.

I will master you AP format... if it's the last thing I do!

The Hunger Games

Wow. Just wow.

With all of the hype around "The Hunger Games," I thought, yeah, okay, sure, whatever. The style of the book is in 1st person, not usually my cup of tea (plus I couldn't stop comparing it to Twilight...). But I am so impressed and can't put it down.  I know it's seems I'm jumping on the bandwagon

I finally caved and bought the book a few days ago on Spring Break.  I bought a cheap version at Barnes & Noble and thought: what's the harm? It's not like I've never bought a book that I didn't like.

For those of you who don't know about "The Hunger Games" it's about a futuristic society created after the fall of North America. The Hunger Games is an annual televised competition between the Tributes (teenagers between ages 12 and 18) of the 12 districts of Panem (the new society).  One boy and one girl is chosen from each district.  Only this is not some competition, it's a fight to the death and the last one standing wins. 16 year old Katniss volunteers after her sister, Prim (who is 12) is chosen.  Katniss fights for her life in the games using her special skills and charm.

The story deals with many issues such as starvation, poverty, oppression, and the effects on war in a light way so many can understand the meanings and context.

Now that I have read the book, I will most definitely be pumped for the movie which releases March 23rd. In the meantime, I think I'll stop by Barnes & Noble to pick up the other books in the series "Catching Fire" and "Mockingjay"...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

College Bucket List

So it's been awhile. Sorry. I even promised there would be more content this time!  I guess getting back into the swing of things was a lot harder than I thought!  I feel like I always have something to get done. But no matter.

Lots of lists lately too :-)

So I'm coming up on the last part of my undergraduate college experience and I remember when I came in there were things I wanted to do, things I wanted to try (a list in my head of course).  I think I've actually completed (or will complete in the next year) most of the list. Lookin' gooddd.

1. Study Abroad
Somewhere, anywhere. Mostly, England. Definitely, England. GUESS WHAT! I'm going to England, Summer 2012. I will even get to go see other countries too!
Bader International Study Centre

2. Be in a College Play or Musical
This one was completed the first quarter being at RIT. Fall of 2009, RIT Players Presents: A Night of One Acts. I was in "Stage Directions" with my best friend Meghan (we didn't know it at the time) and Tyler Puglisese, directed by John Oliphant. And the rest my dear friends, was history.
RIT Players Logo
4. Become an Eboard Member of a Club or Organization
I have spent 2 long years as the Communications Officer and Advertising and Public Relations Manager of The RIT Players.  I'm running for President and Vice President next week! Vote for me!

5. Join a Sorority
Being at RIT, you don't get much girl time. I've always wanted to join a sorority but was too afraid (I heard horror stories).  But this quarter I am taking the plunge and joining Alpha Xi Delta.  Here goes nothing!

6. Be a Resident Advisor
It always sounds like a sweet job that came with so much responsibility and leadership experience that would benefit me in the long run.  I didn't stop until I was hired last Spring for the honors residents halls which turned into a Senior Resident Advisor position this quarter. I absolutely love the job so much, I'm thinking of a career in Student Affairs!
Gibson Staff August 2011

7. Join the Honors Program
So I was touring RIT and the Honors program was mentioned that the top 10% of the incoming class would be accepted into the Honors program.  I wasn't initially invited and of course that drove my motivation and determination to show the Honors program that I would excel in college.  By the end of my freshmen year, they offered membership as a late entry honors student.

8. Have a Double Major
I was originally going to change my major from Advertising and Public Relations to Marketing and then I thought about it and took some more communications classes (I could always make it a minor) and eventually decided that it was the right path for me. But I was so interested in so many areas and classes that are super interesting are limited. I got into honors psychology and loved almost every minute of it. After just 2 classes I signed up for a double major in Psychology.  Confusing where I want to go to grad school even more!

9. Become SG Student Government President
Yeah. This one. Never gonna happen.  I never got into Student Government any of my years here at RIT  and seeing as how the elections for next year are coming up, it's safe to say that I can keep this one in my dreams.

These are obviously been the ones at the top of my mind lately and I'm sure I've blocked out the ones I haven't come close to completing.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Best Glee Performances

These are 10 of some of the best Glee songs!

I'm Sexy and I Know It - Ricky Martin
 So I rolled my eyes at this one at first, yea putting I'm Sexy and I Know It in Spanish is going to work... Just wait until Ricky Martin says "I'm Sexy and I Know It," and you will be hooked. Just wait...

Lucky - Sam and Quinn
Needless to say: THE CUTEST SONG EVER

Smooth Criminal - Santana and Sebastian 
 So catchy..

I Dreamed A Dream - Rachel and Shelby
 I love Rachel, but I have to admit there are few songs of hers that I truly love and are blown away by...

I Want to Hold Your Hand - Kurt
  This one makes me cry. Every. Time. 
  I'm a daddy's girl. Plain and simple. 

Marry You - Full Cast

Hey Soul Sister - Blaine and the Warblers
 Dear Darren Criss, please refer to the previous song. <3

Fix You - Will
  Again, one of the songs that was really touching. Will doesn't get many good songs in Glee despite his amazing voice.

What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger) - Troubletones

Rumor Has It/ Someone Like You - Santana and Mercedes 
 Hands down the best Glee performance. SO AMAZING. 
 Fun Fact: I hated Santana's voice in the first season.  She has come such a long way.

Just 10 of so many good songs! There are more but I didn't want to overload you too much! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Lucky One

So many fantastic romantic movies coming out! First The Vow, and now The Lucky One!

Set to release April 20th, 2012, The Lucky One is based off of a Nicholas Sparks book that details the life of Logan (played by Zac Efron), a young marine veteran who is miraculously saved one day serving in Iraq after finding a picture of a young woman.  The picture becomes his "lucky charm" during the war.  After being discharged he is determined to find the woman in the picture and thank her.  When he finally meets Beth (played by Taylor Schilling), the woman in the picture, things change as they fall madly in love with each other with some unexpected bumps in the relationship that could turn their relationship for good.

I read the book about 3 years ago and am ecstatic that it is coming to the big screen (Zac Efron doesn't look half bad either! Swoon...).  This is defiantly my next must see movie before the superhero movie summer starts.

Here is the trailer to see for yourself!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Countries I Hope to Visit this Summer

A 86 days until England! I CAN'T WAIT!

Here are the countries that I hope to visit this summer!

duh.  It would be pretty hard to not go here seeing as how my study abroad is located in East Sussex and I'm staying with my family..
London, England

Mostly Paris. :-D  Another easy one to get to because it is so close to England
Paris, France

It's so close, why not?

I have a friend who is studying abroad in Spain and we agreed that we were going to come and visit each other!
Barcelona, Spain

How can anyone go to Europe and not visit Italy? I mean come on.  The Colosseum, the Vatican, the art, the architecture?  A must see.
Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy

Germany has so much history involved it would be hard to pass up a trip here.

How beautiful Greece is!! Just by looking at the pictures it is to die for! Not to mention all of the Greek temples like the Parthenon.

Parthenon, Acropolis

This one may be a long shot this summer but I defiantly want to go here at some point in my life. I would love to see all of the pyramids and I absolutely love Egyptian culture.

Now, I'm realistic enough to understand that I probably won't make all 8 countries in 10 weeks (it could be possible though!). But I will see where I end up and make the most of it no matter what and whatever I don't get to see will just be added to the travel wish list!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Marilyn Monroe
Smash is a new NBC American musical original show produced by Steven Spielberg which is following the creation of the new musical based on the life of Marilyn Monroe. It focuses on the behind the scene work of the creation including the audition, script writing processes and the family and home life of the characters involved.

Smash premiered February 6th and is currently on it's 4th episode (I have seen 2 so far and plan on getting through the rest during this break!) and IMDb suggests that there are 11 more set to be released (15 in total for the season).  It has stars from both the big screen such as Debra Messing (Will and Grace, The Wedding Date) and stars from Broadway such as Megan Hilty (known for Glinda in Wicked).  Katherine McPhee is also a lead in this show, playing the newcomer to Broadway. (McPhee broke into show business from being the runner up on American Idol).

Smash is shown Monday nights at 10pm Eastern time, right after NBC's hit show The Voice.  This may or may not be a good thing.  It shows right after The Voice, hoping to retain at least half of  The Voice's audience.  Smart idea considering that the audience that watches The Voice has overlap with Smash.  Smash  has also been heavily advertised and promoted but according to The Chicago Tribune, Smash is failing and The Voice is climbing.

My grandma (who shares my love of theatre) called me up the day after she watched it (surprising because it's on so late) gushing about how amazing Smash was and how I needed to check it out.  While watching, I was incredibly impressed by the vocal skills and I absolutely love the leading ladies and how the show is trying to bring in a touch of Broadway and call attention to the behind the scenes attributes.  However, it is such a slow start and seems to be missing something with the plot.  I can't exactly put my finger on it but the show seems to be just okay.  Disappointing because of the huge promotion and huge names involved in the making of Smash.  I am however, going to stick with it at least a few more episodes before I consider it a complete loss.

Watch Smash here or Monday nights at 10pm Eastern time (I sadly have to Hulu everything with my schedule).

What do you think of Smash?