Saturday, February 4, 2012

ASL Music Video: Rolling in the Deep

Being at RIT, I try my best to pick up as much ASL as I can so I can communicate effectively with deaf and hard-of-hearing students.  I frequently watch the interpreters in my classes to the point where the interpreters hink that I am a deaf student (at the beginning of the quarter's classes) or that I am an interpreting major.  Truth is, I just like watching.  It can give a visual representation along with listening.

In addition to watching interpreters, taking ASL classes I also like to watch ASL Music Videos.  Thanks to Meghan Lima, I've been able to experience an interpreter, Kelly Greer on YouTube who is absolutely fantastic!  She many music videos on her channel such as "Grenade" by Bruno Mars and "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele (featured below).