Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Oh no.  Week 8 is here and I have a new addition (besides blogging and Facebook). Pinterest.

Pinterest is a unique new social media that allows you to share cool things you find on the Internet with others similar to Tumblr and StumbleUpon.  However, this site allows you to organize what you find by 'pinning' photos onto 'boards.'  You can find a range of unique things on this site and share your own with people who follow you.
Example of my boards

When I was first invited, I was able to link my Pinterest through Facebook which automatically followed friends on Facebook that were also on Pinterest.  This allows you too look at your friends and others boards and 'pin' items you find unique to your board.

Boards can be divided into topics. For example I have Travel Across the World, So Much Food!, Movies, My Style, and of course Wedding Ideas.  It can be tailored to your specific personality and you can search for things that you are in the mood for.  I am in the mood to look at Wedding pins so Pinterest gives me just that.  While surfing on the Internet, Pinterest gives you a Pin bookmark that allows you to easily share anything you want with people on your Pinterest account.
Example of a Pin for Travel

Overall, this is a pretty good site and it is gaining the attention of many different people (specifically women who want to plan a wedding that is the common joke).  I think you should check it out to see if it's right for you! The only problem is that you need an invite to be able to sign up for an account.

Interested but don't know anyone on Pinterest? Comment and I will invite you!